Member Application

New members who join on or after October 1 will enjoy membership until the end of the following calendar year. New members are those that have not been a member of PCTGA in the past 3 or more years.

Membership Categories

Active (Grower) Member: $280

Active Members are any person/company who is engaged in any phase of growing Christmas trees or the production or sale of kindred products or is directly interested in the progress and development of the industry through research, experimentation, or education within the state of PA, OH, WV, MD, DE, NJ, and NY.

Associate Member: $240

Associate Members are not in the state of PA, OH, WV, MD, DE, NJ and NY.


This category of membership will not have the right to vote or serve on the Board of Directors.

Retired Member: $75

A Retired Member is defined as an individual who no longer owns or is no longer employed by an active member firm in good standing for a total of twenty (20) years and has reached the age of retirement, as defined by the Social Security Administration. The Retired member must not be actively farming or generating revenue from the sale of Christmas trees. Approval will be contingent upon a majority vote of the Board of Directors.


This category of membership will not have the right to vote or serve on the Board of Directors.

Once submitted, we will review your application and, once approved, send you a payment request to the email entered above.

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